Get inspired from our community of educators Design Thinking Practical resources Eduhack: free training for university professors Media Literacy Practical resources EduCAC: classroom and home resources Media Literacy Practical resources How to verify real news in a few steps? A Guide with essential advice Social-Emotional Learning Article Screen time in the covid age STEAM Classroom Experience #romART19: experiencing a simultaneous face-to-face and online trip As we visited Rome with the High School students, we were joined online by their families, friends and other classmates from home. By Manel Trenchs Social-Emotional Learning Report Google Tools to improve how you engage with digital technologies Media Literacy Infographic Digital technologies, how to educate on critical and sensible usages Media Literacy Infographic Cognitive biases, why do we swallow the misinformation bait? Design Thinking Classroom Experience Design For Change for History teaching The Design For Change methodology is applied throughout the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic courses to the subject "Fundamentals and Didactics of History", resulting in 27 projects with real impact on History teaching. The proposed framework is Teaching History in Primary Education. By David Alonso García Pages: 12345678910Load more Most viewed writeups Artificial Intelligence Article Ten Issues about Artificial Intelligence and Education Media Literacy Article Educating for critical thinking in social media Social-Emotional Learning Report Google Tools to improve how you engage with digital technologies STEAM Classroom Experience Augmented reality, Chroma key, and virtual reality STEAM Projects The mSchools Challenge Media Literacy Classroom Experience Fake News workshops among peers Robotics Classroom Experience Robotics and digital citizenship Coding Classroom Experience Programming for inclusion through the UDL principles (Universal design for learning) Robotics Classroom Experience Cre Ar – Educational Robotics Game based learning Classroom Experience Opposites Memory Game Championship