Empowering educators to transform education, together.

From smartphone to lab: using mobile phones to do science in the classroom.
Access easy to use inquiry-based STEM learning content for your classroom. Explore cutting-edge scientific discoveries straight from the minds of leading scientists that will help your students foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
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Share with other educators how to use mobile technology in the classroom.
Created, tested and validated by educators. Find the best apps, classroom experiences and mobile education solutions for schools, teachers and parents.
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Getting started with project-based learning for any subject matter.
Map out history, literature, nature, science or art through collaborative project-based learning. Build your students' digital competencies using gamification and geo-location to create projects that go beyond the classrooms walls.
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Fostering entrepreneurship through the use of techology for social good.
Open students' minds to entrepreneurship by having them design solutions that make a positive impact in your community. This is a full year course based on app design and prototype development offered in Catalan High Schools.
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Developing computational thinking from an early age.
Improve your students' computational thinking and analytical skills with a series of block coding lesson plans that allows them to create and share their own content.
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An annual celebration of young talent and achievement.
Every year, we invite teachers and students from our community to come together in celebration of their accomplishments. We select the most amazing achievements and award their creativity, technical prowess and innovative thinking.
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