2. Early detection and intervention


mSchools Lab: Identification, piloting and impact assessment of digital solutions with the potential to improve and digitally transform education.

In November 2024, we are launching the second call of the mSchools Lab to identify innovative digital solutions at national and international level to answer the challenge:

How can technology enhance inclusive learning from the initial school stages?

Technological innovation to enable early detection, timely intervention, and socio-emotional support to foster students’ personal and academic growth.

The need to refocus and expand the education system’s efforts to improve students’ academic performance has become evident in recent years. This requires personalized strategies to address specific learning difficulties at their root. Biological and psychoeducational conditions often lead to neurodevelopmental challenges affecting areas such as attention, concentration, behavior, reading, writing, and math. These difficulties significantly impact academic success, social integration, and emotional well-being.


Nowadays, it is estimated that 18.3% of children in Catalonia exhibit significant learning challenges related to at least one neurodevelopmental disorder. However, in Spain, only one in five children with learning difficulties receive adequate early diagnosis and timely intervention alongside the necessary support. These unmet needs can hinder academic and personal development, becoming major factors in school failure and dropout rates.

Scientific evidence demonstrates that timely and appropriate interventions can mitigate poor outcomes and even reverse the effects of these dysfunctions, enabling students to lead healthy, productive, and autonomous lives.


Considering this context, this call seeks to identify and pilot innovative digital solutions— nationally and internationally—that enable early detection,  timely intervention and socio-emotional support to create an educational and social environment that allows students to overcome barriers and thrive academically and personally.

The Lab Process


EdTech Solutions Call


Selection of Finalists and Winners


Call for Schools


Implementation of pilots


Evaluation and Dissemination


mSchools Lab is an open innovation program driven by Mobile World Capital Barcelona and mSchools.

Through public-private collaboration and in partnership with educational centers and the EdTech industry, we promote the identification, piloting, and evaluation of the impact of digital solutions with the potential to address real needs of the educational community and contribute to the improvement and digital transformation of education.

We want to catalyze the participation of various stakeholders with the potential to make a positive impact in promoting equitable and inclusive learning through the transformative, safe, and healthy use of technology.

How can technology enhance inclusive learning from the initial school stages?

Technological innovation to enable early detection, timely intervention, and socio-emotional support to foster students’ personal and academic growth.

Focus of solutions

1. Early Detection

Early, effective, and efficient identification of neurodevelopmental conditions leading to learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ASD, and ADHD.

2. Timely Intervention

Personalized strategies to, ideally, reverse specific needs caused by neurodevelopmental conditions such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ASD, and ADHD.

3. Socioemotional Support Linked to Neurodevelopmental Conditions

Promoting an inclusive culture that fosters well-being and connection between schools, homes, and other stakeholders.
Consult terms and conditions here

What do we offer?

Piloting: Pilot your solution in educational centers in Catalunya to validate your proposal and its impact.
Funding: €25,000 for each of the two winning solutions to be piloted in educational centers.
Visibility: Get high visibility of the pilot’s implementation in various events.

How to participate?

Proposals will be accepted from November 26, 2024, to February 4, 2025, at 12:00h (CET).

Evaluation Process

The first round of selection will conclude on February 4th with a maximum of 15 semifinalists.

The semifinalists will have until March 7th to complete a second form with additional information about the proposed implementation. Based on these responses, the 6 finalists will be selected to present their initiative during the Pitch Day in the first week of April.

An external jury composed of representatives from Academia, Public Administration, the EdTech Industry, and Educational Centers will select the two winning proposals, which will be adapted and piloted during the 2025-26 school year in public and charter schools in Catalonia.

Call for Educational Centers

The two winning solutions will be implemented in pilot format in a real-world context, in several educational centers in Catalonia. An external evaluation will also be provided to coordinate the measurement of results, ensuring that the technology meets the needs of the students and the established pedagogical objectives.

If you are part of a public or charter school in Catalonia and are interested in participating in the pilot of one of the two solutions during the 2025-2026 school year, please fill out the following form.

Access the form

Implementation of pilots

The pilots will be carried out during the 2025-2026 school year.

More information is coming soon.

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