Get inspired from our community of educators Coding Interview Micro:bit Project Books By mSchools Chat GPT Interview Pablo Bongiovanni: “The most important thing with the AI is knowing what to ask” Artificial Intelligence Infographic What does UNESCO say about the use of AI in Education? Coding Classroom Experience Programming for inclusion through the UDL principles (Universal design for learning) Integrate programming language in children's learning processes by carrying out learning and entertaining activities with the MakeCode platform and the MicroBit cards, using visual, kinesthetic and auditory stimuli. By Keila Johely Forero Ardila and Jessica Lorena Sanchez Osorio Infographic Technological Innovation can positively improve the world By Diego Caiza Guevara Digital gap Interview Diversity as a digital opportunity By mSchools Artificial Intelligence Practical resources Computers that learn: ChatGPT in the classroom Digital Inclusion Interview Pedro Baumann Cornejo: “Learning to program can change anybody’s life” By Pedro Baumann Cornejo Mobile learning Classroom Experience Learning Maths with Matlapp Mathematics curricular contents (geometry, algebra, operations and patterns) are taught through physical and digital games with school mobile devices, enabling students to advance in the game from their homes and to play with both classmates and family through a personal ID. By Nicolás Pino Salazar Pages: 12345678910Load more Most viewed writeups Artificial Intelligence Article Ten Issues about Artificial Intelligence and Education Media Literacy Article Educating for critical thinking in social media Social-Emotional Learning Report Google Tools to improve how you engage with digital technologies STEAM Classroom Experience Augmented reality, Chroma key, and virtual reality STEAM Projects The mSchools Challenge Media Literacy Classroom Experience Fake News workshops among peers Robotics Classroom Experience Robotics and digital citizenship Coding Classroom Experience Programming for inclusion through the UDL principles (Universal design for learning) Robotics Classroom Experience Cre Ar – Educational Robotics Game based learning Classroom Experience Opposites Memory Game Championship