Get inspired from our community of educators Game-based Learning Classroom Experience Puzzle workshop in Preschool education In the puzzle workshop, preschool students are expected to put into practice skills such as attention, reading and writing, spatial abilities, mathematical concepts, experimentation, and discovery of the environment through gamification, by overcoming challenges and working in teams. The workshops are led by virtual characters that propose the challenges. By Cristina Romanos Cea Game based learning Infographic Can we imagine classes as a video game? By Julio César Mateus Social-Emotional Learning Classroom Experience Education of Digital Ecosystems "Digimente" is a remote program of digital citizenship and media literacy. Through the participants' own stories, using the Zoom platform, it addresses disinformation and fake news, ethical and reliable content creation, and emotional management. It also offers tools and strategies to look after privacy and security by identifying the digital footprint and developing skills such as creativity and imagination, prioritizing children’s rights in a vulnerable and conflictive social context. By Diego Vladimir Cañizales Game-based Learning Infographic Gamifying hybrid classes with free resources Game-based Learning Article GamiTools: tools to gamify By Pere Cornellà Canals Hybrid Education Article Hybrid education as a contribution to educational quality and social equality By Cecilia Sagol Design Thinking Article Let’s design education By Irene Lapuente Game-based Learning Article Educated, gamified, and hacked without knowing thanks to video games? By Flavio Escribano and Sergio Alloza STEAM Classroom Experience Augmented reality, Chroma key, and virtual reality Students did research on the seven systems of the human body through Augmented and Virtual Reality. These are easy-to-use, very versatile, complementary, and distinguishing tools. Children were immersed in an interactive, experiential, and practical learning, as they enhanced their commitment and interest on the school subject. By Mireia Portero Pages: 12345678910Load more Most viewed writeups Artificial Intelligence Article Ten Issues about Artificial Intelligence and Education Media Literacy Article Educating for critical thinking in social media Social-Emotional Learning Report Google Tools to improve how you engage with digital technologies STEAM Classroom Experience Augmented reality, Chroma key, and virtual reality STEAM Projects The mSchools Challenge Media Literacy Classroom Experience Fake News workshops among peers Robotics Classroom Experience Robotics and digital citizenship Coding Classroom Experience Programming for inclusion through the UDL principles (Universal design for learning) Robotics Classroom Experience Cre Ar – Educational Robotics Game based learning Classroom Experience Opposites Memory Game Championship