Get inspired from our community of educators Media Literacy Video Sonia Livingstone and the use of digital technologies Media Literacy Video Covid 19: re-thinking learning and teaching Social-Emotional Learning Interview Eva Bach: “Without emotional health, there is no health, wellbeing or academic performance”. By Eva Bach Cobacho Social-Emotional Learning Article With whom we learn in the digital world By Jordi Jubany i Vila Design Thinking Article EDhack – Design Thinking in a vibrant and memorable learning environment By Pep Marés Media Literacy Article Jose Puig I Cadalfach Institute: “Our students weren’t aware of the dangers behind misinformation” By Lorena Anido Design Thinking Classroom Experience UBUNTU: how to integrate a Design for Change project in the curriculum UBUNTU’s aim is sustainability. By analyzing our consumption and production system’s impact on the environment, the students design and put into practice concrete actions to make our daily life more sustainable and to create a movement of change and awareness in their reality. By Eva Cazalla Sobrín Hybrid Education Article Learning in times of COVID-19: Reflections by Manel Trenchs, a high school teacher By Manel Trenchs Media Literacy Classroom Experience Fake News workshops among peers Using a didactic guide and digital tools, students conducted research on the phenomenon of Fake News, and then they collaboratively developed some disinformation workshops that were later used to give all the other students of the school a training on the subject. By Lorena Anido Pages: 12345678910Load more Most viewed writeups Artificial Intelligence Article Ten Issues about Artificial Intelligence and Education Media Literacy Article Educating for critical thinking in social media Social-Emotional Learning Report Google Tools to improve how you engage with digital technologies STEAM Classroom Experience Augmented reality, Chroma key, and virtual reality STEAM Projects The mSchools Challenge Media Literacy Classroom Experience Fake News workshops among peers Robotics Classroom Experience Robotics and digital citizenship Coding Classroom Experience Programming for inclusion through the UDL principles (Universal design for learning) Robotics Classroom Experience Cre Ar – Educational Robotics Game based learning Classroom Experience Opposites Memory Game Championship