Eduhack: free training for university professors
Under the motto “hacking education with digital pedagogies” the EduHack project, supported by the European Commission, offers a free online course for university teachers who wish to improve the development of their learning experiences in digital support.
Following on the challenge of redefining teaching-learning practices in techno-digital contexts, this program emphasizes the importance of collaborative work and learning, and proposes creative approaches to encourage and increase the participation of students
Available in different languages such as Spanish, English and Italian, the course is divided in 4 areas:

Each area is composed of 19 activities that can be carried out in no particular order. To obtain an official certificate it is mandatory to complete two activities per area as well as participating in an “EduHackaton”: an encounter made for planning, designing and exchanging content, tools and courses, where participants work in small interdisciplinary groups to implement recently developed skills and abilities.
The ongoing training of educators is essential for the pedagogical integration of digital technologies.