Media Literacy & Digital Ethics
05 Jul
18:00 - 19:30
Open for everyone

The increasing exponential growth of ubiquitous digital technologies generate stimulating opportunities as well as challenging scenarios.
Girls and boys at a tender age live in a world of information overload, making use of social networks and fascinating resources offered by the Internet and mobile technologies. However, they sail through a virtual world that has its own rules and dangers.
How can we empower girls and boys to be ready for the upcoming scenarios? How can we facilitate a safe use of technology by helping them to be informed, as well as ethical and responsible? How can we prepare them to become future digital citizens, committed and active in a digital planetary society?
Vicenç Casas Sagarra
Professor of RobEthics, Col·legi Mare de Déu dels Àngels
Vicenç is an electronic engineer and has always dedicated himself to teaching, both in La Salle Engineering (Ramon Llull University) and in Mare de Déu dels Àngels School, where he has implemented the subject of RobEthics (learning robotics to improve society and help people). He is also a dog assisted intervention technician, which has allowed him to perform assisted interventions with the PleoRb social robot.

Nereida Carrillo
Founder, Learn to Check
Nereida is a journalist, researcher and lecturer at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She is also the founder of Learn to Check, an educational project to counter disinformation. She has explained digital verification to young people, teachers, families, journalists, librarians and other audiences through her media literacy workshops.

Antoni Hernández-Fernández
Assistant Professor of Physics and Educational Science, Institute of Education Sciences
Antoni has also been a part-time teacher in Secondary School and Vocational Training at the Terrassa Art and Design School since 1997. He has degrees in Physics and Linguistics and his current research interests include education (gamification, technology education, etc.) and quantitative linguistics.

Karma Peiró
Co-director of the Fundació Visualització per a la Transparència (VIT)
Karma is co-director of the Fundació Visualització per a la Transparència (VIT), which promotes the use of open data to empower citizens; co-director of the Master Visual Tools to Empower Citizens (Vit Foundation and Fundació Universitat de Girona) and member of the Advisory Board of Observatori d'Ètica en IA de Catalunya and of the Ethics Committee of UPC.