Hybrid Education
Design of diversified teaching proposals with technologies
In this video, Mariana Ferrareli expands on concepts about Diversified Teaching and provides us with some materials that you can find below.
Download pdf materials on the ideas mentioned in the video
List of criteria for the design of diversified proposals
In line with the current tendencies in communication, education, and technologies, a diversified teaching proposal should have at least 5 of the following characteristics:
Be relevant and pertinent to the context as well as to the characteristics of the students/recipients involved.
Propose a complex and challenging task that needs to articulate knowledge through different steps to be resolved.
Integrate different points of view, theories, approaches, or disciplines.
Focus on calls to action and get students/users involved in the activity rather than making them follow more passive actions such as reading, listening, repeating, or memorizing information.
Invite students to think and embrace knowledge using a variety of resources such as images, written or oral text, videos, or audios.
Leave some space and time for metacognitive reflection, i.e. reflecting on the learning/building process of the final product.
Allow self assessment and/or peer assessment (co-assessment).
Plan different ways to divide students into groups and foster collaboration.
Offer diverse options of contents, resources, paths, and spaces for students to choose.
Select technological tools that are consistent with the goals and lines of action.
Use technology in a participatory way: encourage students to create their own materials and contents.
Make it clear and accessible for users/students, giving specific details of what they are expected to achieve, learn or do.
Links to videos and an interactive resource:

Gachy Cappelletti - Metacognitive questions

Rebeca Anijovich - How and why to diversify teaching: