Classroom Experience

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Las Cumbres, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Show map
Using the game Travelers to introduce the basics of robotics in kindergarten.


Las Cumbres school has a middle-class learning community with access to technologies and applications. Since the educational project is based on technological development, the proposal is to introduce robotics in early childhood education.


This proposal can be done with children aged 4 to 9.
The idea is to use various games to introduce robotics through different activities that encourage the learning of other topics, such as vocabulary.


Introduction to robotics

Learn the basic commands in robotics and the coding language.

Learn a foreign language

Learn English through games.

Foster collaboration

Foster cooperative work and role definition.

Didactic sequence


Analog game

Make a large board where kids can walk as if they were robots. One of the kids must activate a command to tell the student on the board whether to go forward, turn, go back, etc.

Introduction to Travelers game

Tell students about the project and the game instructions.

Try the game

Make students try some game sessions to understand how the bots work in practice.

Play the game

While students play again, the group's autonomy is verified by making them use the appropriate vocabulary according to the established instructions.

Preparació d’un joc

Preparació d’un joc sobre el contingut del podcast (amb Educaplay)

Presentació del podcast

Presentació del podcast a la classe i als mestres.


Autoavaluació amb la diana d’aprenentatge.

Recull d’informació recopilada i publicació dels podcasts en el web d’escola

Cada equip elabora una presentació interactiva recollint els enllaços a la informació d’interès recopilada i seleccionada per a cada temàtica, així com l’accés als podcasts editats.

Assessment and conclusions


Introducing robotics through a game was successful because it caught the group's attention and enthusiasm.
A great quantity of robotics vocabulary ("command") as well as English vocabulary on traveling (bus, travel) was introduced.

Things to improve

There is no chance factor in this game, which means it can't be played endlessly. Once it is played a number of times, the group gets to know its mechanism and it is no longer news to them.
This rewarding interdisciplinary experience sets the basis for the development of collaborative work, using a language that is specific to the dynamics and that gets more and more complex in the following educational levels. Students are assessed on how they achieve group autonomy as they complete the tasks.

Take this experience to your classroom!

Tips to adapt the experience to your classroom


Computational thinking

Introduction to robotics doesn't necessarily require bots. It can be introduced analogically with associated computational thinking.

Time of sessions

In early education it is ideal to have several short sessions, instead of a long one, to move forward with the goals.

Play the game

As teachers, we should play the game beforehand to learn about its dynamics and possible scenarios.

A l’hora de fer servir aplicacions digitals…

Recomanem fer ús d’usuaris genèrics (1 per a cada equip de base) per accedir a les tecnologies digitals utilitzades.


María Eugenia Díaz

Higher Education English Teacher. Primary Education English Teacher and currently English Headmistress at Primary Level in Las Cumbres School.
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