mSchools Awards 2025


mSchools Awards 2025 recognize and promote innovative educational proposals that use emerging digital resources and technologies to improve education and address social challenges. These awards encourage practices that combine digital humanism with the ethical and responsible use of technology, enhancing learning, inclusion, and the well-being of the educational community and society at large.

Submit your project now! If you are working on or have developed a proposal that addresses at least one thematic area and integrates a digital resource, this is your opportunity to share it, gain recognition, and be part of the educational improvement movement!

Thematic areas

Emotional and social well-being: Skills and strategies for building a positive social and emotional climate.
Art and creativity: Art as a tool for social cohesion and transformation.
Citizenship and global awareness. Environment, society, planet.
Language, culture, and diversity: Plurality as richness.
Media education: Literacy and critical thinking.
Equity and inclusion: A world for everyone.

Digital resources and emerging technologies

Mobile apps: Development of apps that solve real-world problems.
Creation of a project using the Scratch programming environment (interactive story, simulation, game, quiz, etc.).Creació d’un projecte amb l’entorn de programació Scratch (historia interactiva, simulació, joc, joc de preguntes, etc.).
Educational georeferencing platforms: Projects with georeferenced content linked to the local environment.
Programmable boards: Use of micro:bit, Arduino, ED1, or similar devices to develop innovative solutions.
Virtual and augmented reality: Recreation of enriched learning experiences.
Audiovisual productions: Creation of audiovisual content for educational purposes.
Artificial intelligence: Integration of AI to enhance learning processes or explore the ethical and critical aspects of AI.
Digital fabrication and maker creation: Integration of manual creation techniques and digital fabrication, such as 3D printing.
Robotics and programming: Projects using robotics equipment to respond to challenges.
Other emerging technologies: Such as the Internet of Things (IoT) or Big Data.

How to Participate?

Participants: All educational centers in Catalonia offering second cycle of preschool, basic education, high school, vocational training, youth justice centers, adult education centers, and official language schools can participate.

Projects must be collaborative and carried out by teams of students with a minimum of three members.

Types of centers: Public, private, and charter schools in Catalonia offering basic education and non-university post-compulsory education can register.

Registration: The responsible teacher must fill out the registration form available on the mSchools website. Additionally, the materials specified in the contest rules must be submitted, such as the final product developed, technical document, educational proposal, and an explanatory video created by the students.

Start Submission


Awards by thematic area

One finalist proposal will be awarded in each of the six thematic areas.

Awards by education level

One finalist proposal will be awarded in each educational stage (second cycle of preschool, primary, compulsory secondary, and post-compulsory secondary).

Public’s choice award

Attendees of the final event will also choose their favorite finalist proposal, which will receive the special public’s choice award.

Technology mentions

Finalist proposals may be recognized for excellence in the technical execution of the selected digital resource used to develop the project.
Ver los premios al detalle

Registration form and materials to submit

Registration form: Filled out by the teacher, ensuring proper spelling and grammar, and including all requested content.
Link to final product developed by students: Publicly visible and in the corresponding format based on the digital resource used.
Technical document: A detailed explanation of how the product works, including images of relevant programming code, if applicable (maximum 4 pages).
Educational proposal: Information on objectives, methodologies, and competencies addressed.
Explanatory video: A maximum 2-minute video created by the students, with subtitles and in horizontal format, explaining the proposal, describing the final product, and showing images of the process. The video must be uploaded publicly on the school’s YouTube channel, ensuring image rights authorization for the students appearing in it.
For more details, refer to sections 6.1 and 6.2 of the contest rules.

Evaluation criteria

Alignment with thematic areas (25%): Ability to address an educational social challenge with potential impact.
Project development (30%): Technical quality, functionality, and originality.
Educational proposal (30%): Ability to achieve objectives and promote learning.
Formal aspects (15%): Clarity and quality of materials.
Access the details of the evaluation criteria

The Grand Final

Are you ready to transform the world?

Submit your proposal! If selected, you will attend the "Grand Final" — a day to share, communicate, connect, and learn.

One morning, hundreds of students, teachers, and innovative educational proposals.

And you, are you mSchools?

Get inspired: See the awarded projects from last year's edition.
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