mSchools Awards 2024


The mSchools Awards recognize initiatives that empower the educational community with innovative practices. We celebrate the creativity and commitment of teachers and students who integrate technology into education. Explore the winning projects and discover inspiring stories. Join us in future editions!

Discover the new mSchools Awards

We strongly believe in change from the classroom. That’s why we want to recognise initiatives that contribute to empowering teachers and students through transformative educational practices.

Discover this year call new features: two ways to participate that recognise educational proposals that contribute to improving social challenges through digital tools and resources.

You can participate in 2 modalities:

  • Contest modality: awards for proposals from the mSchools programme with a renewed character.
  • Open Call modality: awards for innovative proposals with emerging technologies.

The great social challenges

SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING: Skills and strategies to build a positive social and emotional climate.
ART AND CREATIVITY: Art as a resource for social cohesion and transformation.
CITIZENSHIP AND GLOBAL AWARENESS: Environment, society and planet.
LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND DIVERSITY: The richness of plurality.
MEDIA EDUCATION: Literacy and critical view.
EQUITY AND INCLUSION: A world for all.

mSchools Awards 2024

In collaboration with the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya, we present the new mSchools Awards 24 with renewed determination to recognise transformative educational proposals.

We encourage you to participate and design good classroom practices that integrate digital resources to contribute to improving people, society and the environment. Participate in either of the two modalities or both if your proposals fit.

1. Contest modality

What are we looking for

We aim to acknowledge the excellence of educational projects in Catalan schools that integrate and apply digital resources.

Digital resources and tools

In this modality, proposals must be created and implemented using only one of the following digital tools and resources:

- App Education
- Scratch Challenge
- Mobile History Map
- Programmable boards: Micro:bit, ED1 or Arduino

Social challenges

The proposals must contribute to the improvement of at least one of the following four topics:

- SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING: Skills and strategies to build a positive social and emotional climate.
- ART AND CREATIVITY: Art as a resource for cohesion and social transformation.
- CITIZENSHIP AND GLOBAL AWARENESS: Environment, society and planet.
- LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND DIVERSITY: The richness of plurality.


Full details will be announced soon.
Consult Terms and Conditions here

2. Open Call modality

What are we looking for

To acknowledge and disseminate innovative educational proposals carried out in schools in Catalonia.

Digital resources and tools

This modality is open to proposals that integrate at least one of the following digital resources:

- Augmented and virtual reality
- Artificial intelligence
- Digital fabrication and maker creation
- Audiovisual digital resources and tools
- Robotics and programming
- Other emerging technologies

Social challenges

Proposals must contribute to the improvement of one of the following 6 topics:

- SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING: Skills and strategies for building a positive social and emotional climate.
- ART AND CREATIVITY: Art as a resource for cohesion and social transformation.
- CITIZENSHIP AND GLOBAL AWARENESS: Environment, society and planet.
- LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND DIVERSITY: The richness of plurality.
- MEDIA EDUCATION: Literacy and a critical view.
- EQUITY AND INCLUSION: A world for all.


Full details will be announced soon.
Consult Terms and Conditions here

The big final

Are you ready to transform the world?

Feel free to present your proposals in either of the two modalities. If your proposal is selected, you will take part in the final event, a day to share, to communicate, to meet, connect and learn.

1 morning, hundreds of students, teachers and innovative educational proposals.

And you, are you mSchools?

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between the two modalities?

The Contest modality recognises the work carried out by students and teachers during the school year within the mSchools programme's initiatives: Scratch, Mobile History Map and App Education. As a novelty, programmable boards are included: Micro:bit, Arduino and ED1.

Also, this modality promotes the acknowledgement of proposals focused on the social challenges of 4 of the thematic topics.

The Open Call modality acknowledges proposals integrating other emerging digital tools and resources than those mentioned in the Contest Modality. Proposals can be related to the call for digital impulse in education carried out by the Department of Education in Catalonia. The Call is open for initiatives using augmented and virtual reality, Artificial Intelligence, digital fabrication and maker creation, audiovisual digital resources and tools, robotics and programming or other emerging technologies.

In this case, proposals can address any of the 6 thematic areas.

Can proposals not yet implemented in the classroom be submitted?

In both modalities, proposals must have already been implemented in the classroom, and in the Contest modality, proposals must have been developed during the present school year.

What happens if the proposal responds to more than one theme topic?

The form must specify the main area the educational proposal contributes to. Secondary areas can be selected.

What happens if the proposals use more than one digital tool or resource?

In the Contest modality, you may only select one digital tool option.
In the Open Call modality, you can name one main digital resource and assign secondary ones.

Can I submit a proposal already presented in other prizes and calls?

In the Contest modality, proposals can't have participated in previous prizes and calls and must have been developed during the present academic year.

In the Open Call modality , you can submit proposals that have been presented but not awarded in other competitions.

Can I submit more than one proposal per teacher?


Who can participate in a proposal?

In both modalities any educational center in Catalonia can participate: public, concerted or private and those teachers who are active.

Third-sector organizations working with educational centers cannot participate in this edition. It is necessary that teachers are the ones who design, adapt or adopt an educational proposal in their classroom or school.

If you find that your case is special, please contact us so that we can evaluate it:

What is the minimum and maximum number of teachers and students per proposal submitted?

The minimum number of participants per proposal submitted in any of the two modalities of the mSchools Awards is 1 teacher and 2 students, and there is no maximum.

It is also allowed to submit proposals developed between several schools.

Is it possible to submit the same proposal in both modalities?

Yes, as long as the educational proposal raises the work on at least one social challenge and one digital resource contemplated in the bases of each of the two modalities: Open and Contest.

What is the format required to submit the deliverables for the Open Modality?

All projects submitted to the Open Modality will need to:

- Fill out the registration form on the mSchools website.

- Create a link to the project (web space / digital environment -sites, drive, genially...) that describes, documents, contextualizes and justifies the proposal carried out.

Please make sure that all contents are presented in a proper and orderly manner, and that the links are publicly visible. This will facilitate an agile evaluation of all projects.
All visual material shared must have the authorization of the image rights.
Remember that you have time to submit and edit your initiative until 14/04/24.
More information about the deliverables in the legal bases of the call.




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